
Ethics Process

HHP/CA Ethics Committee is made up of members who are familiar with business laws and regulations that pertain to the ethical practice of dispensing hearing instruments in the state of California. Committee members are appointed by the President and confirmed by the board. Their responsibilities are:

  • When contacted regarding an ethics complaint, the reporting party will be contacted to assess the complaint.
  • If the complaint is not resolved during that initial interview, than a Reporting Form is provided and the party is asked to provide details of the complaint, their identity and supporting documentation.
  • The committee member will inform the reporting party that we have no legal ability to adjudicate the complaint but can act as a mediator to assist in an amiable solution to the dispute and to supply informational resources to the parties involved.
  • Depending on the complexity of the complaint, other committee members, board members and related state agencies will be contacted to provide advice and information.
  • Once sufficient information is acquired, a call to the provider is initiated, once again, informing the individual of the above mentioned purpose of our involvement. It is important to stress the mediation aspect of our contact to put the parties at ease by clarifying our purpose.
  • The contacted party, if cooperative, can provide needed information to clarify their position or make suggestions to resolve the complaint.
  • After assessing the situation, non-binding recommendations, can be made to all involved based upon the available information.
  • If illegal activity is evident with supporting documentation, the committee member will bring this finding to the board for review. Only the board can decide to take action against a complainant. A committee member should never tell a party that they should take any particular action. Our goal is to mediate and educate, not litigate.
  • Records of contacts should be kept in a file and yearly submitted to be archived by HHP/CA.

If you have an ethical complaint, please contact the Ethics Committee at Please complete the Ethics Complaint Reporting Form which can be printed from this website. Once the form is completed, please mail to the following address.

Becky Denhalter, Chair
HHP/CA Ethics Committee
Hearing HealthCare Providers / California
One Capitol Mall, Suite 800
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 447-1975 x 118