Become a Member

Membership Qualifications


Regular Member

Any person who fulfills the legal requirements of the State of California for fitting and dispensing hearing instruments and are actively engaged in the practice of testing human hearing and selecting, fitting, counseling clients and dispensing hearing instruments. (Voting Privileges) 

Support Staff Member

Any person who is employed by or affiliated with a firm/person whose principle business is the testing of human hearing and selecting, fitting, counseling clients and dispensing hearing instruments but do not themselves engage in the delivery of such services. (Non-voting Privileges, cannot hold office)

Student Member

Those who are pursuing an academic or vocational program of study in hearing instrument sciences and are not engaged in the practice of testing human hearing and selecting, fitting, counseling clients and dispensing hearing instruments. (Non-voting Privileges, cannot hold office)

Retired Member

Formerly was an active member of the Association but is no longer engaged in the practice of testing human hearing and selecting, fitting, counseling clients and dispensing hearing instruments. (Non-voting Privileges, cannot hold office)

Additional Location

The Membership Directory will be available to HMO’s and PPO’s, etc. For those persons with satellite/branch offices who wish to be included in the membership directory, there is a nominal charge per additional office.


Please email us at for more information.

There are several different membership categories. We urge you to become acquainted with the different levels of membership that will meet your specific needs-and Become a Member TODAY!